Monday, October 8, 2007

Hi, my name is Gullible

Mom told Anna that she had switched the rehearsal dinner to a "Theme Dinner" and we were all going to wear tacky Christmas sweaters. Anna went for it... she went for it bad. She ran up stairs flipping out and said "You can't let her DO that!!!" We were in on the whole thing and tried to explain to her that it would help lighten the stress level. We would've let it go on for a couple of days, but Mom finally told her she was joking. To which Anna responded, "Are you joking or did you just change your mind?" We have a goofy Mom, but thankfully not that goofy :)Mom received these beautiful flowers today from Ryan's Mom, Pat. Ryan is one of the groomsmen and he had a brother get married a while back, so they know how crazy the last week can be. Thanks for the love!

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