Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A hint

Maybe this will give you a hint about the upcoming Kentucky trip.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Moving On

Big moment in the family... Dad and Mom went to their last event at the high school! Anna's XC region meet was the big finale.We've gotta give them props for sitting through the following: football games, wrestling matches, marching band competitions, baseball games, cross country and track meets, chorus and band concerts. They sat through them all for the last 8 years!They recognized the seniors after the meet. Anna's next to the guy in the white.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tool Time

Saturday morning Dad, Anna and Mom spent time moving some stuff around in the FROG. Out with the pool table and in with the ping pong table. Anna got some practice with the wrench.
We are now ready for some fierce games!!In the middle of the baseball game, Paul Bunyan showed up for a visit.We won't tell you who he's borrowing the overalls from...The fiancee's not quite sure what to think about this new look.Anna decided she had to get in on the dress up and showed us her new outfit. The new outfit AND the baseball game were exciting... can the Phils win the World Series tomorrow night??

Friday, October 24, 2008

Real Men

Real men bake cupcakesand ice them too.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

World Series

Looks like she lost interest by the 2nd inning. She woke up every once in a while and pretended like she knew what was going on. Phillies won game 1.. we'll see what happens tonight!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

State Fair

Anna, Kait and Kent met up with Wes, Sara and Sara's sister, Katie at the state fair! We ate lots of junk food like elephant ears. Yum!!We made sure to go on the spinning rides before we ate.Nice enthusiasm!Our last ride was the classic Ferris Wheel. View from the top

Monday, October 20, 2008


Last time Mom went out of town, Chips was sick for a few days. We had to throw away his bed and he hasn't gotten another one yet. He had been sleeping on a small pillow until he found a summer chair pad on top of our pool chairs. It's his new place to hang out!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pass or Fail

Here are the results after a total of 10 votes (we told you this blog was hoppin)
Yes, she Rocks!! 60%
Yep, barely 20%
Someday 20%
No 0%

We are happy to report that yes, Mom rocks at nursing because she passed her class!! She brought us huge pieces of cake to celebrate. It might look like we grew up in an orphanage with the way we protect our food, but really we're just little piggies. Growing up, we learned that Wes can pretty much eat a box of Popsicles in one sitting. Kait hides food in the closet. Ben and Anna put signs on the food like the ones in these pictures.

Ben's German chocolate piece of cake.
Anna's red velvet piece of cake.
Be sure to cast your vote this week!

It's a boy

Kait had her first party planning experience this week! We've had a regular visitor at our church named Michelle. She's about 8 months pregnant, but the baby could come any day now! We gave her a shower on Thursday evening. This gives you a glimpse at our church and the fun women that attend! They were a huge help in setting up and cleaning up. One couple provided this cute cake for the shower! The foodThis is Michelle on the left. She lives with Bonnie and her family right now.She got so many cute presents!!Lots of "oohs" and "awws" could be heard while she opened the presents.The Pack-n-Play was the big finale! We hope Michelle felt loved through this baby shower. We can't wait to meet the baby and love on him!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Game 5

For game 5 we tried to relive our days up North. We miss Rita's Water Ice and soft pretzels and this is the closest thing that we could find.
Phillies Fans, welcome to the World Series! We looked up tickets on Ebay and they're going for a small fee of about $1,999 (the cheapest ones) We thought about driving up and sitting outside the stadium, but it looks like we'll just have to settle for frozen pretzels and Italian Ice.Behind the scenes Still trying to figure out the self timer feature on the camera. Here's a random good luck shout out...any takers?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Games 3 & 4

Our burned chip dip should've given us a hint about game 3. Mom made this dip for us before she left for the week. She also made a couple of meals in advance.. we're thinking about nominating her for the Mother of the Year Award. Game 4 was exciting last night. Ben, Anna and Kait stayed up way too late for a school night, but couldn't miss the end of the game! Phillies are up 3-1. We're looking forward to Wednesday night!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Paper or plastic?

Happy 1st Anniversary to Wes & Sara! The traditional gift for the 1st year is paper and pansies. Mom loaded them up with lots of paper products like napkins and tissues. She left the flowers in their front yard so we're hoping the flowers were still there after their trip weekend trip. Dad asked then both what was most surprising about marriage. Wes' answer was "How much a puppy is like a baby." Deep, very deep. Look for his marriage book to be published soon.
Happy Anniversary! We love yall!

Help Wanted

With Mom gone for another week of nursing classes, we are now accepting home cooked meals. Or store bought meals.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Feature

With all this talk about voting and elections, there's a new feature to this hoppin blog. Each week there will be a question posted. You'll have about 7 days to cast your vote. Go ahead and rock the vote! * Please remember, all votes are made anonymously. Your vote counts!! :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Game 2

We celebrated game 2 with breakfast for dinner. The Phillies won again!Anna really got into the baseball theme. Not really, it was school spirit day at the high school and the cross country team dressed up together, but it worked for the game too.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Game 1

Our beloved Phillies are in the playoffs this year. This doesn't happen, we're excited! Tonight we watched them beat the Dodgers to win game 1! Anna didn't catch the game. She was too busy making a to-do list for Mom.

1. Put clothes in dryer
2. Wake up call at 6:15am
3. Schedule hair appointment

No wonder Mom wants to get a job that actually pays money.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Time Flies

What's she doing in this picture? Anna's senior pictures came in the mail so Mom added the 4th and final picture to her picture frame.
Anna ('09) Ben ('07) Kait ('05) Wes ('02) Time flies! Do you notice something different about the picture in the top left corner? Back in high school, Wes never got around to ordering his senior pictures so we only have the proof picture. Niceee.