Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's a boy

Kait had her first party planning experience this week! We've had a regular visitor at our church named Michelle. She's about 8 months pregnant, but the baby could come any day now! We gave her a shower on Thursday evening. This gives you a glimpse at our church and the fun women that attend! They were a huge help in setting up and cleaning up. One couple provided this cute cake for the shower! The foodThis is Michelle on the left. She lives with Bonnie and her family right now.She got so many cute presents!!Lots of "oohs" and "awws" could be heard while she opened the presents.The Pack-n-Play was the big finale! We hope Michelle felt loved through this baby shower. We can't wait to meet the baby and love on him!

1 comment:

Julie said...

What a fun post! I like when you post about your church ... we're so curious to know how things are going and what your fellowship is like there. Great job with the baby shower!