Monday, May 5, 2008

Girls Weekend

The girls hit the road to visit Grandma Gertie over the weekend. We kicked off the visit by checking our blood pressure (Don't worry, we're healthy) and watching the Kentucky Derby. We ordered Chinese food and ate lots of it!! It's our favorite.Sara gave us a cool idea: painting windows! We got them for $1 each at His HouseWe set to work and brought out our hidden artistic talentAnna went for a 70's look. Groovy baby.Grandma's a REAL artist. She showed us up.Mom decided on different flowers for each pane.Kait did a school theme for her someday classroom. Her school bus ended up looking like a monster truck.We spent a lot of the time either avoiding Lucy or playing catch with her. The only problem is that Lucy is on the chunky side and doesn't get much exercise. After about 5 minutes of playing she could use an asthma inhaler.Group picture after church. We love Grandma and enjoyed hanging out with her!

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