Monday, April 27, 2009

1 Stop

We hit the road Wednesday afternoon at 4pm and we were EXCITED Some of the backseat ridersA road trip is not complete without lots of candyAnna listening to Bill CosbyThis picture is dark, but if you look closely you will see Sara. It's proof that both she and Mom were asleep by 7PM. She made a nice comeback and we enjoyed a movie from 8-10PMIf we zoom into one picture that Mom took, we catch a model in the middle seat. Work it, Wes, work it.This was around midnight. We got a bit antsy around that time. We finally rolled into Philly at 2:30 AM. The exciting part was that we only made 1 stop on the way up. That might be a new record!


Karin said...

Bahahaah I would be DEAD if we only stopped once on the drive to Philly. Your family would leave me on the side of the road. I stop at LEAST once per state. My bladder simply cannot take it.

Sara Parker Photography said...

...I ruined the streak on the way home. booo starbucks. By the way, we are the coolest. Just so you know. Love you guys!!