Sunday, June 21, 2009

Raise your hand if...

Raise your hand if your Dad...

Plans post graduation parties, taught you the reason for the ocean tides (every summer vacation), was the pitcher for batting practice, sat in the baby pool with you in the middle of the summer, taught you how to ride your bike on the gravel track at the park, didn't want middle names for you (or was it Mom who didn't want them? ongoing debate), was in school for approximately 25 years of his life, was voted most popular in high school, ran into the back of a car backing out of the garage, ran into a tree backing out of the garage, led family worship time on his guitar with songs like "I woke up this morning with my mind set on Jesus", taught you how to pop a pimple the right way, pops the "big" pimples even though he taught you how, moved you into college (everybody but Kait), talked about boys/girls that you liked, convinced you that he was "a rock" when it came to keeping it a secret (he is), played wiffle ball, made you watch the Henry V movie, wears socks and church, held funeral services in the backyard with you for the hamster or fish that died, answers to "Big Poppy".

Everyone who grew up in the Parker House should raise their hand! We love our Dad!

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