Saturday, July 10, 2010


WE LOVE COWS!!!!!!!!!! We hope everyone took time out of their day yesterday to appreciate cows at Chick-fil-A. Dress up like a cow = free meal combo. Here are the only family members that were around and willing to show some love for the cows. We've got cat ears going on here, oops. But the udder makes up for it. Nice cow bell, Kenneth.
When they take your order, you have to give them a name to call out. So, a couple of minutes after they took our order we heard "Bessy!" ....our meal was ready.
We posed with the cow. Hey, bud, watch your hands by that udder.
Total savings.... $17.77
This is one happy cow. We had an udderly great time!!!
And these are the weenies that wouldn't go out to dinner. Boooo.

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