Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Car Advice

After years (Okay, 1 year & 1 month) of Anna trying to persuade The Powers That Be that she needed (neeeeeeded) a car with her at college, Anna & Little Blue drove off into the sunset on Sunday afternoon. Before she left, we prayed for Mom. Why Mom? Well, as most mothers can tell you, the picture below is somewhat terrifying. Anna, remember these 7 key points and you should be fine (Keyword there is should. We can't guarantee anything)

1. Wear your seatbelt. Even if you're just driving around the parking lot for fun. 96% of accidents happen within a mile of your house 2. Remember that 76% of statistics are made up. (Like the one in advice #1) 3. Keep an eye on mileage and change your oil (like Dad taught you) accordingly. 4. If things go wrong, call your father so that he feels like a macho man and much needed by his daughter. 5. However, once you get married, call your husband so that he can feel like a macho man and much needed by his wife. 6. If you skip #5 and call your father before your husband, pretend that your husband was really the first call you made (Don't lie, just leave out the whole "Well, that's not what my Dad said..." part). 7. Don't throw banana peels in the middle of the road while driving (Remember that one time in high school when you got pulled over by a cop for doing that?) If you're going to throw it while driving, have your passenger aim it at mailboxes for target practice (like your older siblings did on their way to school.)
And another piece of free advice...don't forget to rock your style. Especially if it's tube socks and Birkenstocks. We hope you & blue have a wonderful adventure together. 

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