Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day Hike

Here are the late-comers ready to go to the top of the mountain. Wes-a-ley looks a little cold...?
 Here's an early bird ready to take it easy and turn back around. 
Let's all take a moment and admire Ben's beard. Those Parker boys can grow some nice beards. Ben's beard is red, just like Wes'! 
 Anna, looking very college-y 
Goofy boys (*Rock was much steeper than photo shows)
 Anna and Mom talking about life (college days, school, callings in life)
Parker guys talking about life (sports, plumbing, sports)
 With these two as our tour guides, who knows where we could end up! 
Although, Wes gets all of our trust since he spent 3 weeks in the same mountains. Wes, we would follow you anywhere. As long as it's "just a stones throw away."
 The day hike had some steep climbs. Some of us were huffin' and puffin' at some points. 
Kent telling Mom a joke. 
Mom holding fists on sides to help breathe easier.

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