Friday, December 31, 2010

So This is Christmas

We always have breakfast together after we open our gifts. Ma makes the best breakfast casserole EVER. She used to make it in a 9X13 dish, but this year the dish was smaller...what's up with that, Mom?? 
 K & K's 2nd Christmas together. 3 cheers for festive PJ's!! (Not Kent...lame)
 A mini homily/bible reading from the Pastor
 The kids
 Feel the love
Ma & Pa 
 Dad got Mom an African dress & camping hat. We can tell where his thoughts are these days... 
 more presents 
 and more presents 
 the presents just keep coming 
 Let's take one more good look at the dress. It's one size fits all. 
 Mom got Dad a laptop! He took it right to his room and put in on his dresser for safe keeping. 
 The dress in action! Saaweeeet. 


Anonymous said...

Cool dress. I need a cool dress on May 7, 2011.
Rachel C

Anonymous said...

what the!? kent, i thought the suits made homemade pjs for each other every christmas. surely you have a more festive pair to sport for the birth of baby Jesus!

also, is chucks homily available for podcast? I want to hear it.


Vida Loca De Los Parkers said...

@ R.C., I bet she will let you borrow the dress for May 7, 2011. It's a big day. @ Winnie, Kent has festive pjs, but he's a slacker & a rebel. He also didn't vote. Shhh...