Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Shop Till You Drop

Black Friday Shop Till You Drop Schedule...

5:20 Kait arrives at Parker House
5:25 Yell at Anna for taking so long to get ready. Pretend to leave by closing back door.
5:30 Gather around Dad's bed to get a pre-shopping picture. Load up and depart.

5:30-6:15 Roam through Khols. Kait buys present for nieces and nephews. Mom buys fun and random things because she has the most money. Anna looks at boots on sale, but still expensive.

6:15-6:30 Target Stop
6:30 Find Rachel C. (Cookie baker, apron maker, marathon runner). Mom and Rachel chose the picture background. SCANDALOUS. Rachel had coffee, Mom missed her cup of the day.

6:30 We lose Anna in Target for 10 minutes. She was shopping for belts for herself.

*Picture was cropped to avoid giving away Rachel C's Christmas presents.
6:40-7:00 Stand outside of World Market in the cold (Mom's idea). Mom said the first 100 people in the store won a gingerbread house. We were approximately customers #15, 16 and 17. We snagged our free gingerbread house ornament and a scratch-and-win paper.
Mom & Anna both won a $5.00 coupon. This was Kait's paper...
7:00-7:30 World Market
7:30-7:45 Drive to Harbison. Hold breath to avoid car accidents.
7:45-8:00 Shop at Old Navy. Jeans for $15 & Anna needed them.
8:00-8:15 Stand in line at Old Navy.
8:15-8:30 Drive Home
10:30 Leave for Georgia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good idea to crop the picture. You are so wise.
Glad you were a winner at World Market.
I am honored to be in your blog.
Rachel C